Gathering Around the Cauldron

These semi-regular gatherings offer the opportunity for the genuine seeker, novice or solitary to gain practical experience when it comes to working magick and ritual through the lens of contemporary witchcraft.

Each month will include a ritual that will incorporate current astrological, seasonal or deific themes, together with instruction on ritual practices and philosophical theory that underpins this specific style of witchcraft, and how it fits into the Australian environment.

Each gathering will be held from 12 noon until 3:00pm upstairs at Carpe Diem, 158 Commercial Road, Port Adelaide.

Casual attendance welcome. As there are limited places available, booking are essential and can be purchased through Humanitix.

Saturday, 23 March 2024  - The Alchemy of the Autumn Equinox

The Autumn Equinox is a sacred magical and alchemical portal marking the gateway to the approach of winter, the growing darkness, and the time of promised rest and retreat.

Within contemporary witchcraft, it is seen as the second harvest
festival, that of the wine, of ecstasy  of the spirit as deep within
each and every one of us a somewhat radical shift occurs affecting our physiological and psychic functions.

Sunday, 19 May 2024  - The Elements of Witchcraft

The ancient Greeks referred to the four elements as being the building blocks of the universe. Even today, Earth, Air, Fire and Water are still considered to be the foundations upon which all magics are based. Yet, in our modern world, they are often taken for granted.

In this experiential gathering, learn how to connect with each of these building blocks on a deeper, more intimate level in order to enhance your own spiritual practice.

Sunday, 28 July 2024 - Witchcraft and its Gods

The Gods of the ancient world still remain with us today.  Their stories are often found within the myths and folklore.  While some people may perceive them as archetypes, to the witch, the ancient Gods are more than figments of our imagination, they are living and breathing divine entities.

Sunday, 20 October 2024 - Once Upon a Witch’s Moon

Details to come.

Sunday, 21 April 2024 - Honouring the Ancestors

As the shades of the dark half of the year draw near, we find ourselves approaching the time as to when the portals between the worlds are at their thinnest, that being Samhain, the Celtic festival of dead, here in the Southern Hemisphere.

Within contemporary witchcraft, it is the final harvest festival, that of blood, where we connect with those who have gone before, both of our own DNA and cultural lineages, as well as those of other lineages through which we are connected in spirit.

Saturday, 29 June 2024  - The Magick of the Winter Solstice

Historically this is the time that marks the symbolic death and rebirth of the sun. From the point of deepest darkness and the longest night comes a sacred moment when the sun appears to "stand still" on the horizon before a gradual increase in light and daylight hours occurs.

Within contemporary witchcraft this is the time of the rebirth of the God, the divine masculine, the embodiment of the sun. It can be a time of deep reflection, of letting go.

Sunday, 22 September 2024 - The Alchemy of the Spring Equinox

Details to come.

Sunday, 17 November 2024 - Deepening the Witch’s Craft

Details to come.