The Alexandrian Tradition of Witchcraft

The Alexandrian Tradition of contemporary witchcraft incapsulates the teachings of Alex Sanders (himself a magician and initiate of the Gardnerian tradition) and his wife, Maxine.  Through the exploration and evolution of the Gardnerian teachings, coupled with other magical explorations that the Alexandrian Tradition evolved (and continues evolving to this day), resulting in a number of distinct differences between the two styles of “British Traditional Witchcraft” (aka BTW), yet maintaining many common interwoven threads.

Central to the beliefs found within contemporary witchcraft, is the worship of the Great Mother Goddess and her beloved consort, the Horned God.  This cosmic divine pair gives shape to everything that exists within nature.  As such, this duality can be reflected in the powers of life that surround each and every one of us, and which continues through to the inevitability of death and the subsequent reincarnation of the soul.  It is an eternal cycle of birth, death and rebirth which can be found within various other spiritual and religious philosophies and practices.

The Alexandrian Tradition, like the Gardnerian Tradition, is an initiatory tradition of the sacred Mysteries, coupled with the practice of magic and devotion.  This means that many of the practices are not able to be revealed to non-initiates for their purpose is to introduce the initiates into the Mysteries of The  Wica. 

As the Mysteries are not able to be taught or studied, for they need to be experienced to be fully understood, the practice provided within Alexandrian circles tend to be just as, if not more, important as the theory provided in the teachings.

Keep pure your highest ideals. Strive ever towards it.
Let naught stop you or turn you aside.
For mine is the secret which opens door of youth …

Coven Autonomously

Each Craft coven is autonomous, having the freedom to choose and develop its own practices, as long as it retains the foundational tenants found within the basic Craft practices, which in turn characterizes a coven as Alexandrian (in addition to a valid lineage, through which initiation can be traced back to Alex and/or Maxine Sanders).  It is not uncommon for Craft lines to develop specific characteristics that may not necessarily to found outside that line.  This is because the Craft is ever evolving, whilst still maintaining the core tenants mentioned above.


ontemporary witchcraft follows a hierarchal framework which involves a series of initiations that are conducted according to the traditional rituals of the Book of Shadows (a handwritten book that is passed down and copied by initiates of that line and tradition).  The minimum period of time of progression from one degree to another is one year and a day.  It should always be kept in mind that initiation is a decisive moment in the life of neophyte, that can be extremely life changing.

Therefore, when a neophyte undertakes initiation, it should be kept in mind that this is into the Alexandrian Tradition of contemporary witchcraft. 

The Temple of the Dark Moon will be offering initiation to interested neophytes later in 2024.  In the meantime a Rite of Dedication is available which enables the seeker to commence preliminary study and practice as a postulant, a period that corresponds with the "trial apprenticeship" of the medieval guilds, prior to undertaking initiation.

More information about a Rite of Dedication can be found under Temple Structure.